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How to Use Black Friday Layout?

2 min read

The Black Friday Layout is a single-page layout created by team Diviflash. In the following, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on effectively utilizing this layout. Let’s begin:

Step 1: Download the layout’s zip file and unzip it.

Step 2: Install and activate the Divi Theme.

Step 3: Install and activate the DiviFlash Plugin.

Step 4: To ensure the proper functioning of the layout, kindly utilize the following Diviflash modules. Required modules for this Layout are below:

  • Advanced Heading.
  • Dual Button.
  • Advanced Blurb.
  • Advanced Tabs.
  • Content Toggle.

Note: These modules must have been activated before importing the layout.

Step 5: Once all modules are activated, proceed to import the Divi theme options settings. Follow these steps to successfully import the theme option JSON file:

  • Go to Divi => Theme Options.
  • Click on the “Import & Export” icon.
  • Select the “Import” tab.
  • Choose the JSON file named ‘Divi Theme Options Settings – Black Friday Layout – DiviFlash’.
  • Finally, click on ‘Import Divi Theme Options’.

Step 6: Another setting we need to import is Theme Customizer Settings. To import the Divi Theme Customizer settings follow the following steps:

  • Navigate to Divi => Theme Customizer.
  • Click on the “Import & Export” icon.
  • Select the “Import” tab.
  • Choose the JSON file named ‘Divi Theme Customizer Settings – Black Friday Layout – DiviFlash’.
  • Finally, click on ‘Import Divi Customizer Settings’.

Step 7: Finally, we will proceed to import all the page layouts to the Divi library. You will find individual page JSON files as well as “All In One – Black Friday Layout’s” JSON file to import. Now we will import all in one page’s  JSON file to the Divi library.

To import this file into the Divi library, please follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to Divi => Divi Library.
  • Locate and click on the “Import & Export” button.
  • Within the options that appear, select the “Import” tab.
  • Choose the ‘All In One’ JSON file from your device.
  • Click on the “Import Divi Builder Layouts” button.

For further guidance, you can follow this: How to import Divi Layout Pages.

Step 8: Page Creation: How to create pages with Divi Layouts From Library.

Since the Black Friday layout is designed as a single-page layout, you only need to create a single home page. To hide the default menu, please choose the “Blank page” template under the page attributes.

Well done! Now the layout looks exactly the same as our demo layout.

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