How to Add Divider with Text in Divi? (Step-by-Step Guidelines)

Team DiviFlash

Updated: October 24, 2022
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Placing a divider in divi isn’t a tough task at all, but adding a divider alongside text or heading needs some extra help. However, today we will discuss multiple ways about how to add a divider with text or heading in divi over a gripping look.

There are two different procedures that you can follow to add divi divider with text. Either you can use the divi divider & text module at a time or the DiviFlash advanced heading module.

So, without further ado, let’s drive to the deep of these processes and design something great for your webpage.

How to Add Divider with Text Using Divi Divider & Text Module?

Adding a divider beside text in divi is a time-consuming but easy process using the divi text & divider modules. However, there are a couple of steps you need to take to accomplish it.  So, let’s jump in.

Step 1:

Open the divi builder and select the divider module for further customization.

Divider Module

Step 2:

You get a bunch of features to make the divider worthy enough for grabbing the visitor’s attention. The content and design tabs give you the opportunity to change the divider style, color, size, alignment, and so on. So play with all the features and create a divider as you ever imagined.

Usage of Divider

Step 3:

Finally, go to the builder, take the text module and place it right after/before the divider. As with the divider module, you will get several features to customize the text module. Now, keep coherent between divider and text color, distance, alignment, size, and all that represents your design as a magnificent creation.

Text Module

How to Add Divider with Text Using DiviFlash Advanced Heading Module?

DiviFlash is an all-in-one divi plugin that brings a bunch of innovative and easy-to-customize modules. The DiviFlash advanced heading module is one of the modules that let users take some creative approaches. This module contains many alluring features like a divider, dual heading, suffix, prefix, infix, and so on. However, today we will cover how you can create a stylish divider and place it on top or bottom of the heading text.

However, If you haven’t purchased the DiviFlash plugin, get it first and follow the further procedure explained below.

Step 1:

Install and active DiviFlash plugin. If you don’t know where to begin, follow the simple process on how to install the DiviFlash plugin.

Step 2:

Next, go to the divi builder, select the advanced heading module, and start customizing.

DiviFlash Advanced Heading Module

Step 3:

Afterward, you will see the content tab breaks down the heading into three different portions, prefix, suffix & infix. This one finest feature you get to represent your heading with 3 distinct looks.

Step 4:

Right after the content, you get what’s you are looking for, the divider feature. Activate the Use Divider option and it will bring a divider to the webpage with a number of decorative features. Now, you can play over the position, style, color, thickness, radius & width of the divider. Moreover, you can use an image or icon in the middle of the divider.

DiviFlash Advanced Heading Divider

To Sum Up

The DiviFlash advanced heading module makes your hand free from limitations while scratching a divider with text in divi. However, you can utilize the divi text and divider module at a time next to each other to make your desire come true. So, let us know with which would you feel comfortable placing divider and text together to create something extraordinary.

Team DiviFlash

At DiviFlash, we are more than just a team – we are a collective of Dev Experts, Word Artists, Design Virtuosos, and Marketing Maestros, all united by our profound expertise in Divi and WordPress. Our mission is to provide you with accurate, insightful, and in-depth content aimed at enriching your understanding of Divi, WordPress, and the art of web design.


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