19 Top Web Design Trends to Rule the Industry in 2024

Team DiviFlash

Updated: February 25, 2024
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Keeping up with the latest web design trends isn’t just about staying current—it’s about staying ahead. Knowing what’s ahead can make the difference between a website that stands out and one that gets lost in the crowd. 

That’s why we have brought you 19 web design trends that will be a hit in 2024. 


Micro-interactions are tiny design details that improve user experience and how users interact with a digital platform. They respond to user actions or system changes with small visual, sound, or touch cues, so the experience feels more natural.

For example, when you tap the “Like” button on a social media app, it briefly changes color or displays a small animation. This simple visual cue adds to the user experience by confirming your interaction and making it more intuitive and satisfying.

According to Founder Jar, micro animations can improve user engagement by 20%. 

In other words, well-designed micro-interactions improve the user experience by making it smoother, more intuitive, and more enjoyable. They are often subtle and need to be noticed, but their absence can lead to a less satisfying user experience. 

Although micro-interactions are nothing new, we believe that they will evolve further by going beyond visual feedback. It means they’ll adapt to your habits and preferences, making your experience even more personalized.


Micro-animations are small, often subtle visual cues that indicate a change in state or draw attention to specific parts of a website. It’s a form of micro-interaction, which are single-purpose events in a user interface that make the design more intuitive and engaging.

Slack could be a perfect example of using micro-animation to both attract users and make it easy for visitors to know about the product.

Micro-animations are set to be one of the most popular website design trends in 2024 because they make web pages more engaging and attractive with minimal effort. Because of this, designers can make these animations without compromising website performance.

AI-Powered Web Design

AI-Powered Web Design uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help designers create websites more efficiently and effectively. By analyzing data and user behavior, AI suggests design improvements, personalizes content, and optimizes performance.

AI tools like DALL-E and Midjourney already revolutionized image creation and with the release of OpenAI’s Sora, things will go up a level for sure.

With AI technology getting more advanced and accessible, AI-powered web design is going to be big in 2024 because it helps designers save time and create better user experiences.

As AI keeps improving, it’ll play a bigger role in making web design more efficient and user-friendly as websites become more personalized, faster, and more accessible.

Interactive 3D Models

Interactive 3D Models and Content in web design means using digital 3D design elements that users can play with on a website. You can spin them around, zoom in and out, and sometimes change them on the spot. 

Imagine you’re browsing a furniture website, and you come across a sofa you’re interested in. Instead of just seeing pictures of the sofa from different angles, you can interact with a 3D model of the sofa right on the website. 

You can rotate it to view it from all sides, zoom in to see the fabric texture up close, and even customize the color or fabric in real time to see how it would look in your living room. This interactive experience helps you better understand the product and makes the website more engaging.

These interactive elements will be the future, especially in e-commerce as they revolutionize the product-buying experience. Because the store owners can give their customers a more authentic, real-like experience with the design element, a lot of businesses will adapt to this. 

Almost 82% of site visitors use interactive 3D views when they’re available, and 95% prefer to interact with 3D rather than watch video. Also, interactive 3D marketing campaigns have seen a 40% increase in conversions, proving that it’s working.


Gamification is the process of adding game mechanics and elements into non-game environments, like websites and apps, to boost engagement. In this approach, you use points, badges, leaderboards, challenges, and progress tracking to keep users engaged, loyal, and motivated to accomplish a certain task.

A simple example of gamification could be spinning wheels to offer discounts to users. 

Gamified design is expected to stay popular in 2024 because it’s good at keeping users interested and coming back for more. The global gamification market, worth about $15.43 billion, shows that more and more businesses are using it. 

The bottom line is, people want websites and apps that feel personal and fun to use. That’s why we believe that gamified web design will be getting even more popular.

Dark Mode

Dark mode is expected to stay popular in 2024 because it’s good for users and their mobile device batteries. It’s even more useful now with OLED and AMOLED screens because it saves energy. Plus, it looks sleek and modern, which many people like. 

Also, people find it easier on their eyes, especially at night. So, more websites and apps will likely offer dark mode to keep users happy and engaged.

Facebook, Google, Discord, and other popular platforms already use dark mode. Soon, more businesses will too. 

Dark mode is incredibly popular among audiences too, that was proven by user data. A study by Polar in November 2019 revealed that 95% of people prefer dark mode. Android Authority reported in March 2020 that 91.8% of people use dark mode whenever available. 

Voice User Interface

Voice User Interface (VUI) Design is getting more popular in website design because of voice assistants like Google Assistant, Siri, and Amazon Alexa. VUI lets users talk to websites and apps instead of typing, making things easier and more accessible. 

VUI design is expected to be a big deal in web design in 2024 because it offers personalized and easy-to-use experiences. It’s made possible by improvements in language technology and artificial intelligence. 

This trend is driven by the need for hands-free and accessible digital experiences, especially for people with disabilities or those who multitask.

As the technology gets better, web designers have to make sure these voice-first experiences are not just functional, but also fun and easy to use. This means making sure the communication is clear, the voice recognition works well, and combining voice with visuals and touch where needed.

Virtual and Augmented Reality

Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR and AR) are changing web design by adding immersive and engaging experiences to websites. This means users can engage with content, products, and services in more exciting and interactive environments. 

In 2024, VR and AR will become big in website design. That’s because they make the user experience more exciting and engaging by letting users interact with content in creative ways. 

For example, VR allows users to step into a virtual environment and explore it as if they were physically there.

On the other hand, AR overlays digital information in the real world, offering a unique blend of virtual and real-world interaction. 

That’s why businesses can use VR and AR to showcase products and create unique shopping experiences, boosting sales. These technologies can also improve educational content by helping users learn better. 

Cinematic Scrolling

Cinematic scrolling, also known as parallax scrolling, is a modern web design trend that makes websites more interesting by utilizing the concept of interactive storytelling. As you scroll down a webpage, it triggers animations, transitions, or layout changes, bringing the page to life. 

A study from Purdue University has found that users found websites with cinematic scroll to be more “fun” compared to traditional designs. As it makes the web browsing experience more interesting, cinematic scrolling is expected to continue as a significant trend in web design in 2024. 

With advances in web technologies, designers are coming up with new ways to add animations and interactive features while keeping performance and accessibility in mind. The rise of storytelling and visual engagement in digital content also encourages the popularity of cinematic scrolling.

Scrolling Animations

Scrolling animations are the cool effects you see when scrolling through a web page like things fading in or moving around. They make websites more interesting and engaging. 

Over 2 billion web visits were analyzed by Cheatbeat, and 66% of attention is focused on “below the fold” – the part that only shows up after you scroll. It shows that users want to scroll and read more.

In 2024, scrolling animations will be a big thing in web design. They’re part of a trend where websites tell stories and interact more with users. By using bright colors, cool drawings, and good storytelling, websites can stand out and be more fun to explore. 

These animations not only look cool but also help guide users through the site and make long pages more interesting. So, as web design gets fancier, expect to see more of these scrolling animations, making online experiences even better.


Scrollytelling is a concept that utilizes both parallax scrolling and scrolling animations. It is about telling a story while users scroll down a webpage. This creates an immersive experience guiding users through a narrative or presenting information dynamically.

Designers will make websites more memorable in 2024 with bold colors, custom illustrations, and creative storytelling techniques.

Bento Grid Layouts

Bento Grid Layouts are inspired by the Japanese bento box, where food is neatly arranged in compartments. Similarly, in web design, content is organized into sections within a grid, resembling the compartments of a bento box.

For example, the most popular website that frequently uses bento grids is Pinterest. Also, recently Apple used Bento Grid Layouts to showcase features in an engaging grid format. 

An upcoming trend in 2024, Bento Grid Layouts, presents a clear visual hierarchy, making content navigation easier. With the ease of implementation using modern web technologies like CSS Grid, Bento Grid Layouts are likely to become more common, fitting into the trend of dynamic and visually engaging web interfaces.

Digital Glitch

Digital Glitch, commonly known as “glitch art” in web design, is a method that intentionally uses visual errors in websites and applications for artistic reasons. These errors, such as distortions, static, pixelation, and other digital anomalies, are added to produce a unique and eye-catching effect.

Even though digital glitches have been around in website design for a while, we believe they will still be trendy in 2024. People like it because it makes websites look cool and memorable. This concept is inspired by the rise of the Metaverse, Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality, and a growing interest in unconventional aesthetics in digital media.

This trend is also pushed by brands wanting to be noticed in a crowded digital world. Digital glitch art lets UX designers try out new ways to express themselves and grab users’ attention by embracing imperfections and surprises.

Nostalgic Design

Nostalgic design in the context of web design means using styles and elements from the past in modern websites. This brings back feelings of comfort and familiarity, which stands out and creates a memorable user experience.

We expect nostalgic design to be a big trend in web design in 2024 because it brings back emotional connections and stands out in a world full of modern styles. This trend mirrors our love for vintage styles in everything from fashion to interior design, tapping into a desire for simpler times. 

With more digital tools available for creating retro looks and a focus on personalization in branding, nostalgic design is becoming even more popular. Designers are getting creative by mixing old styles with modern features, making websites both nice to look at and easy to use.

Dynamic Cursor

Dynamic cursor means animating the mouse pointer on web pages to make using the website more entertaining and enjoyable. This is done by changing the appearance or behavior of the cursor when you hover over clickable items or move around the webpage. 

For instance, the cursor might change its shape, size, or color, or even trigger animations in response to different actions you take on the site.

Dynamic cursors will be a huge website design trend in 2024, adding cool features like animation or other effects. Also, this trend aligns with creating captivating digital experiences that stand out and engage users.

Flat Colors 

Gradients used to be the “thing” in web design a couple of years back. But in 2024, we believe the use of flat colors will make a comeback. 

Flat colors are solid, bold, and vibrant hues used to create minimalist and user-friendly interfaces. This design approach, also known as flat design, promotes simplicity and clarity by avoiding textures and three-dimensional effects. 

An example of a flat design would be Spotify which uses bright and bold colors in its hero section and below the fold. 

Other than contributing to usability, flat design also leads to faster loading times. That’s why we expect it to be making a comeback in 2024. 

Pastel Palette 

A “pastel palette” in web design means using a soft, light color scheme that is often mixed with white. These colors, known as pastels, have a gentle and dreamy look because they’re not very intense. They make people feel calm and relaxed and give a sense of sophistication.

Some industries, especially in food and cosmetics, have seen a 90% conversion rate with such aesthetics.

The rise of pastel palettes in web design for 2024 is because they provide a nice break from bright colors. Pastels bring a peaceful and classy vibe to designs, which makes them ideal for the fashion, beauty, and luxury industries. Also, the move towards calmer, nature-inspired looks adds to the appeal of pastel palettes in web design.

Experimental Typography

Experimental typography means using fonts and text layouts in creative ways to make websites look exceptional and to easily catch users’ attention. This involves trying different fonts, layouts, animations, and interactive features to find interesting ways to show text. 

This technique is also known as kinetic typography, where text and animation are combined to create visual interest and movement. With this technique, the goal is to grab people’s attention and make the website stand out by doing things differently. 

Typography is more important than it feels to influence how people use websites, how long they stay on a site, how easy it is to read, and how satisfied they feel. 

For example, 94% of first impressions of a website are based on its design, which includes typography. This means that using experimental typography well can make a website more appealing and engaging for users.

In the modern web design era, catching the user’s attention means everything and that’s why we have strong reason to believe that experimental typography will be a part of web design in 2024.


Minimalism in web design is all about keeping things simple. It means using only what’s necessary and taking advantage of white space to make a clean and easy-to-use website. Focusing on content and getting rid of extra stuff, makes the website work better and easier for users to find what they need.

Minimalistic design also ramps up your site speed and optimizes readability. Other than the performance upgrade, it appeals to different age groups. 

For example, 78% of Millennials prefer minimalist designs, while over 80% of Gen Xers favor simple layouts for online shopping. Similarly, more than 75% of Baby Boomers appreciate simple UI designs.

Because of these reasons, we believe that Minimalism will remain a strong web design trend in 2024.

Make Your Website Stand Out in 2024

With all these web design trends at your disposal, you now have the insights to make your website stand out from the rest.  Implement these techniques to see what works best for your website visitors and optimize accordingly. 

Team DiviFlash

At DiviFlash, we are more than just a team – we are a collective of Dev Experts, Word Artists, Design Virtuosos, and Marketing Maestros, all united by our profound expertise in Divi and WordPress. Our mission is to provide you with accurate, insightful, and in-depth content aimed at enriching your understanding of Divi, WordPress, and the art of web design.


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