Refund Policy
We stand behind our products and their quality 100%, but due to the digital nature of our products that they cannot work perfectly for everyone all of the time., we have a “limited refund policy” that we strictly enforce. If you have an issue that we are unable to resolve that makes the system unusable, we will be happy to consider offering a refund.
Refunds will be offered at our sole discretion and must meet all of the following conditions fully:
Eligibility conditions for a refund request
You are within the first 30 days of the purchase of product. Absolutely no refunds will be issued after 30 days.
No refunds will be granted for product renewal payments as you have had 12 full months to cancel the subscription. (Applicable to automatically recurring subscription only)
You have an issue that we are unable to resolve within 7 days which makes the system unusable. We may ask you questions regarding the nature of your refund request so we can improve the plugin in the future.
You have contacted our support team and allowed us to attempt to resolve your issue(s). If there’s an issue we are unable to solve in a timely manner (within 7 days of contacting us), we will happily grant the refund request.
A refund for any particular product or membership will only be granted for the initial purchase. If you have made a purchase, requested a refund for that item, and then purchased again we will not issue the refund the second time.
You agree to deactivate and uninstall the plugin from your site if a refund is granted.
By purchasing plugins. child themes or layout packs from our site, you agree to this refund policy and relinquish any rights to subject it to any questions, judgment or legal actions.