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Divi Instagram Feed Carousel Module
Divi Instagram Carousel integrates your Instagram account with the website and shows IG post photos, videos, captions, and author info in 4 different carousel styles. Further, you can customize all of those post elements for an intuitive look.
What Makes Divi Instagram Feed Carousel Module Different?
Showcase Instagram posts in SliderCoverflowCubeFlip style on your Website
Boost your website’s credibility by presenting your Instagram posts in a slider, coverflow, cube, or flip. Also, you can place arrow & dot navigation on both sides of the carousel with an auto-sliding effect and get the full benefit of the module. You can also display IG post slides differently on Desktop, Tab, and Mobile.
Use Variable Width to display Images like the way they were on your IG
You can control the post-image height & width as it was on Instagram, which gives visitors a feel of watching an actual IG feed on the website. Set a proper gap between those images and use post links to navigate users directly to your IG feed. In the same way, add overlay & scale effects to your post images to skyrocket visitor interaction.
Connect Easily and Style the Carousel the Way you Want
Integrate the Instagram account with the website using the Instagram user access token. Then, show all IG post images and videos with autoplay effects inside the carousel sliders. You can also add an icon to the post and open it alongside the caption while hovering. Finally, customize the post caption as you want with a stylish combination of typography and a distinct background.
What Makes DiviFlash Instagram Feed Carousel Module the Right Choice?
DiviFlash Instagram Carousel comes with multiple features to customize and present IG posts with next-level beauty like:
- Easy integration with Instagram access token
- 4 carousel styles to show IG posts
- Highly responsive for any devices
- Robust spacing control for individual element
- Post video autoplay option
- Auto IG post update option for website
- Huge stylers for the slider
- Overlay, image scale, border animation and more
- Great typography style for post content
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