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Divi Preloader Overview

2 min read

DiviFlash introduced a Preloader for your Divi website. Here is an overview guide of preloader-

Navigate to Preloader

You can navigate to Preloader settings from two different directions.

  • Quick Access – From WordPress Dashboard navigate to DiviFlash> Setting> General Settings> Preloader. Click Customize. This will take you to the Preloader inside the Theme customizer.
  • General Access – From WordPress Dashboard navigate to Divi> Theme Customizer> Advanced General Settings> Preloader.

Enable Preloader

Toggle this ON to enable the preloader and get access to all of the customization options.

  • Homepage Only: Once enabled, the preloader will be visible only on the homepage.


Preloader Type: Select the type of preloader you want to use. You can either use the presets available or upload an image of your choice. 

If you choose Preset

  • Select Preset: Choose from 29 different preloading animations.
  • Icon Color: Choose a different color for the icons used in the preloader animation.
  • Scale Element: Adjust the size of the preloader Icon.

If you choose Image.

  • Image Uploader: Upload or select image from the media library.


  • Background Color: Select a background color for the preloader element.
  • Reveal Animation: Choose the reveal animation for the preloader element. You have 5 different animations to choose from.
  • Enable Native Loading: When “Native Loading” is enabled, the preloader element load time will depend on the loading time of your website. You can toggle it off to customize the “Reveal Delay” and  “Reveal Duration” of the preloader element.
  • Reveal Delay: Adjust how long it will take for the preloader to appear. 
  • Reveal Duration: Adjust how long the preloader animation will stay on the screen. 

Note: Reveal Delay” and ”Reveal Duration” are only available if “Native Loading” option is disabled.  

That’s all the settings you get with the DiviFlash Preloader extension.

If you need help with existing settings feel free to reach out to our support team.

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