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How to Use Real Estate Layout?

2 min read

DiviFlash offers a beautiful, modern, dynamic Divi Real Estate layout free for DiviFlash users. This multipage layout can give you a fully-featured website in less than 30 minutes. In this guide, We’ll walk you through installing the Real Estate layout so you can get your website up and running quickly.

Note: Before we dive into the installation process, it’s important to note that Real Estate requires the Divi theme and Diviflash plugin on your WordPress website to work properly.

Here are the steps on how you can import Real Estate Layout on your WordPress site:

Step 1: Installed and activated Divi Theme.

Step 2: Install and activate DiviFlash Plugin.

Step 3: Navigate through the following steps in the WordPress dashboard:

DiviFlash => Dashboard => Import/Export Setting => Import “DiviFlash Dashboard – Real Estate Layout – DiviFlash” file.

Step 4: Enable required modules by Diviflash.

To do so, go to DiviFlash => Modules => DiviFlash modules used:

  1. Advanced Heading
  2. Advanced List
  3. Advanced Person
  4. Advanced Blurb
  5. Filterable CPT
  6. CPT Carousel
  7. CPT Grid
  8. Testimonial Carousel
  9. Post Carousel
  10. Post Grid
  11. Breadcrumbs
  12. Table
  13. Star Rating
  14. Dual Button

Note: Please ensure that these modules are active before importing the layout.

Step 5: Install and Activate the Custom Post Type UI Plugin.

Step 6: Please follow these steps to access the relevant section in the WordPress dashboard:

CPT UI => Tools => Post Types => “Import Post Types” field “Post Types – CPT UI – Real Estate Layout – DiviFlash” Import this file’s code by copying and pasting it.

Step 7: Please follow these steps to access the relevant section in the WordPress dashboard:

CPT UI => Tools => Taxonomies => “Import Taxonomies” field “Taxonomies – CPT UI – Real Estate Layout – DiviFlash” Import this file’s code by copying and pasting it.

Step 8: Install and Activate the Advanced custom fields Plugin. 

Step 9: Please follow these steps to access the relevant section in the WordPress dashboard:

Custom Fields => Tools => Select File => Import “ACF – Real Estate Layout – DiviFlash” file.

Step 10: Please follow these steps to access the relevant section in the WordPress dashboard:

Tools => Import => WordPress (Install Now) = > Run Importer => Import “Media – Real Estate Layout – DiviFlash” file => select existing user => Check the “Download and import file attachments” => submit.

Step 11: Please follow these steps to access the relevant section in the WordPress dashboard:

Tools => Import => Run Importer => Import “Property – Real Estate Layout – DiviFlash” file => select existing user => check the “Download and import file attachments” => submit.

Upload and Import file:

Existing User Selection:

Step 12: Please follow these steps to access the relevant section in the WordPress dashboard:

Divi => Theme Options => Import & Export icon click => Import => “Divi Theme Options Settings – Real Estate Layout – DiviFlash” file.

Step 13: Please follow these steps to access the relevant section in the WordPress dashboard:

Divi => Theme Customizer => Import & Export icon click => Import => “Divi Theme Customizer Settings – Real Estate Layout – DiviFlash” file.

Step 14: Please follow these steps to access the relevant section in the WordPress dashboard:

Divi => Theme Builder => Import & Export icon click => Import => “Divi Theme Builder Settings – Real Estate Layout – DiviFlash” file.

Step 15: Please follow these steps to access the relevant section in the WordPress dashboard:

Divi => Divi Library => Import & Export Button click => Import => “All In One – Real Estate Layout – DiviFlash” or per page file import.

Please refer to the documentation available at the following URL for further information.

How to import Divi Layout Pages

Step 16: Page Creation: How to create pages with Divi Layouts From Library.

Step 17: Follow Divi Layout Menu Customization guide

Congratulations! You have successfully imported the layout into your website. Now, it’s time to explore and customize the design to make it unique to your brand and stand out online.

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